Here you will find all of Sexual Tigers commands. Use the tab at the top right, then the links on the left side bar to navigate.
All general admin commands.
Rebuilds the 'audio' gist. Rescans the entire DB and regenerates the list of songs..
Builds the sql table structure for first time setup.
Deletes all Song entries from the DB where the source file no longer exists.
Generates new Docs dynamically based on what commands exist and have a docs value.
THIS DOES NOT WORK ON THE LIVE BOT ON DIGITAL OCEAN. Grabs 100 animated images from google and stores them in the DB. A new tag must be made using the tag create command. Make sure your search terms are quoted. NOTE: This does NOT create the command to display the images.
$grab_pics -s "[search_terms]" -t [tag_name]
$grag_pics -s "anime clapping" -t clap
Grant a user access to a specific command.
$grant @Adam vup
Creates a new issue on the Github tracker.
$issue -t "[titel]" -b "[body] -l [label]
$issue -t "play command crashes bot" -b "When playing a song with a long name the bot crashes" -l bug
Probes all hashed audio files and updates their length in the database.
Refreshes a command so you can test changes.
$reload [command]
$reload gifs
Revoke a users access to a specific command or set of commands.
$revoke @Adam vup
$revoke @Adam playlist
$revoke @Adam -c "playlist play"
Tell the bot to process any songs that have been FTP uploaded onto the server
All general Misc commands.
Removes the bot from the voice channel at all costs
Displays general usage info for commands. Not so good when looking for image commands.
$help [category]
$help admin
Displays the link to the Sexual Tiger website.
Pings the bot and has the bot acknowledge its alive.
Display how long the bot has been up.
Displays some general information about the user.
Converts Text to Speech using Google API. See for list of available language codes.
$tts [text to convert] | -t "text to convert" [-l LANG_CODE] [-r RATE]
$tts Hello fellow humans
$tts -t "Hello fellow humans" -r .5
$tts -t "Hello fellow humans" -l fr
$tts -t "erbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb" -l JA -r .25
All Pictures image commands.
Post an image of anime burn.
Post an image of anime cheer.
Post an image of anime clap.
Post an image of anime cry.
Post an image of anime dance.
Post an image of anime death.
Post an image of anime flex.
Post an image of anime flip.
Grab a random image from Giphy with the specified tags, or completely random if no tags
$gif [tags]
$gif jump
Grab a random image from Giphy with the requested search terms
$gifs [words to search]
$gifs jump
Post an image of anime goodbye.
Post an image of anime Halloween.
Post an image of anime hug.
This command has no direct usage.
Post an image of anime kiss.
Post an image of anime laugh.
Post an image of anime lewd.
Post an image of anime nosebleed.
Post an image of anime nuke.
Post an image of anime pat.
Create a Pocket Monster
Post an image of anime pout.
Post an image of anime punch.
Post an image of anime rage.
Post an image of anime rock.
Post an image of anime scared.
Post an image of anime slap.
Post an image of anime sleep.
Post an image of anime smug.
Post an image of anime sorry.
Post an image of anime sports.
This command has no direct usage.
Post an image of anime tigerfucking.
Post an image of anime wave.
Grab a XKCD image
$xckd [comic_id]
$xkcd 614
All image image commands.
Add a new image to the database.
$image add [url] [...tag_name, tag_name, tag_name]
$image add flex
$image add clap slap flip
Retag an image in the database. This will remove the tag that triggered the image in the first place, and add the new tags in its place. To get message_id, Go to Discord Settings -> Appearance -> Toggle Developer Mode on. Then right click image/post and click 'Copy Id'
$image retag [message_id] [...tag_name, tag_name, tag_name]
$image retag 433008356190322688 punch
$image retag 433008356190322688 punch flex
Tag an image in the database. You can only add pre-existing tags using this command. To get message_id, Go to Discord Settings -> Appearance -> Toggle Developer Mode on. Then right click image/post and click 'Copy Id'
$image tag [message_id] [...tag_name, tag_name, tag_name]
$image tag 433008356190322688 punch
$image tag 433008356190322688 punch flex
Untag an image in the database. This will remove the tag that trigger the image to be posted. If the image has no more tags, the image will be deleted. To get message_id, Go to Discord Settings -> Appearance -> Toggle Developer Mode on. Then right click image/post and click 'Copy Id'
$image untag [message_id]
$image untag 433008356190322688
All tag image commands.
Create a new Tag in the database. Tag names must be 1 word. Use this before grab_pics when adding a new set of images.
$tag create [tag_name]
$tag create dance
All general music commands.
Display the link to the Gist that contains info on all the songs in the DB.
Download a video from a website and add the audio to the bot. All supported sites can be found here,
$download [url]
Pauses the currently playing song.
Play a song by name or ID. If a number is specified an ID lookup is assumed. Otherwise a search is performed for the entered value. If an exact match or only 1 close match is found the clip is played. Otherwise a list of options is displayed.
$$play [song_identifier]
$$play Wagon Wheel
$$play 1650
Playlist is a parent command and has no use alone.
Make the bot stay in the channel after it is done playing a clip. Presence command acts as a toggle..
Queue a song by name or ID. If a number is specified an ID lookup is assumed. Otherwise a search is performed for the entered value. If an exact match or only 1 close match is found the clip is played. Otherwise a list of options is displayed.
$$queue [song_identifier]
$$queue Wagon Wheel
$$queue 1650
Repeats the current song/playlist when the song/playlist ends.
Resumes playing a previously paused song where it left off.
Shuffle the current song queue or replace the song queue with a shuffled playlist.
$shuffle [playlist_identifier]
$shuffle 14
$shuffle viscera
Skip to the next song in the queue.
Display the currently playing songs name and id.
Stops any playing audio and empties the queue.
Upload a song to the bot so it can be played back. Max file size is 8MB due to discord limitations. Most audio and video formats accepted. Upload a file and type the command as the comment on the upload.
Turn down the volume the bot is playing at.
Display the current volume the bot is set to.
Turn up the volume the bot is playing at. There is a max volume, so dont be an ass.
Induce anxiety by playing some Wii music......
Download a video from youtube and add the audio to the bot
$youtube [youtube_url]
All playlists music commands.
Add a song(s) to a playlist.
$playlist add -p [playlist_id] -s [song_id]
$playlist add -p 2 -s 74
$playlist add -p 2 -s 74 -s 66 -s 12
Create a new playlist.
$playlist create [playlist_name]
$playlist create Royalty Free
Delete a playlist. Can delete by ID or name. Name must match exactly.
$playlist delete [playlist_identifer]
$playlist delete 14
$playlist delete DubStep
List all playlists
$playlist list
$playlist list
Play a playlist by identifier
$playlist play [playlist_identifier]
$playlist play Viscera
$playlist play 5
Queue a playlist by identifier
$playlist queue [playlist_identifier]
$playlist queue Viscera
$playlist queue 5
Remove a song from a playlist. If the song occurs more than once, the last occurence is removed.
$playlist remove [playlist_identifier] | [song_identifier]
$playlist remove Viscera | Goo
$playlist play 5
All song music commands.
Deletes a song from the database. The song must not be on a playlist, and songs can only be deleted by the user that uploaded them.
$song delete
$song delete 66
Rename a song in the database. Song names can not be integers.
$song rename -i [song_id] -n '[new_song_name]'
$song rename -i 66 -n 'Shrektastic'
Get the most played songs in the database. A number is optional, if no number is specified, Top 5 are returned. 1-10 are allowed.
$song top [#]'
$song top
$song top 7